Wolverine Drilling Inc.

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When It Comes To Screens - Size Does Matter!

When It Comes To Screens - Size Does Matter!

When it comes to drilling and water wells.   It does, it is very important.

When it comes to the size of your screen for your water well the screen plays a critical part in how good your well performs. So what exactly does that mean? Well, let’s first talk about diameter. Diameter is the distance across any given circle like that found in pipe and screens. The screens are the heart of a well. The photo below shows a 2 inch stainless steel screen, 4 inch stainless steel and a 6 inch stainless. Clearly the 6 inch diameter screen has the largest diameter and has the greatest surface area available allowing for the greatest capacity to allow water movement to the well. The screens are really the heart of a well. We recommend always going with the largest diameter available. Many will say that size does not matter. Let me tell you... they are not telling you the straight goods.

Wolverine Drilling Inc. uses the highest quality materials, approved methods and current relevant practices for the longevity of the well.  Contact us directly at 306-682-4647 to discuss your options for a reliable water source to serve generations to come.